Digital and print writing and editing
Are you struggling with how to communicate what your organization does best? If the answer is yes, Jane Doucet can help. She crafts clean, concise content that captures your target audience’s attention to help you boost business. Whether she’s writing from scratch or editing existing content, she’ll find the most effective way to highlight your key messages.
Need a professional bio, a profile for an annual report or an e-newsletter story? Jane will deliver your content on time and on budget.
Just want a final fresh set of eyes to spot typos and grammatical mistakes? Jane is happy to simply provide a light touch, too.
Already have content drafted but don't feel it's powerful enough? Jane can help you improve it for optimal impact.
Not confident that your hyperlinks are accurate? Concerned about outdated information? Jane will triple check your content for you.
Here is some of the content Jane has delivered:
website content
promotional materials
professional bios
business plans
media/press releases
client/customer testimonials
academic papers
e-newsletter stories
special projects and supplements
annual reports